Julie M. Renfro
"Horsemanship is a Journey from the Inside Out"

January 2021
USEF Western Dressage "r" Judges License
I consider myself a student of all equine. My early start and memory was riding the ponies in Griffith Park near Los Angeles, California. I had a full collection of Breyer Horses.
In 1997 I was introduced to Parelli Natural Horsemanship. During the 14 years of being involved with the Parelli organization, I studied and learned about the importance of a strong relationship and foundation. I met and rode with many students and Parelli Professionals developing an eye for specialization within the equine competitive world. I am grateful to Pat and Linda Parelli for the opportunities I had, participating in demonstrations events around the country.
I specialize in helping you build a bond with your horse(s) and equines that can transfer to all equine experiences outside the barn. This bond is built by simply understanding the horse’s point of view or walking in their shoes.
Taking advantage of every opportunity, I have ridden, observed and worked alongside numerous horseman. Along the way, I observed the importance of developing a solid foundation of confidence in both horse and human.
I also have a background in:
Police Service Horse Training,
Equine body mechanics,
Young Horse Development,
Problem Horses,(Trailer loading, needle phobia, aggression etc.)
Western Dressage,
English Dressage,
Vaquero Traditions,
and the Spanish Garrocha.
Through the years I have gathered knowledge through those experiences which allow me to help you form a solid foundation of communication in any specialty.
If you have any questions about a working plan with your horse, maybe I can help.
I offer private lessons, clinics, and small groups. Please contact me for more information.
Thank you for visiting my website. I hope you find it interesting and the photos inspirational.
Julie M. Renfro